09 March 2012

How to get out of the friendzone.

Getting a relationship with that good friend you have a crush on for so long. Sound great, right? Friendship is the best basis for a lasting relationship. But to turn that friendship in something more can be harder than you might think. Your friend is used to see you as simply a friend and it’s difficult to change that perspective, but it’s not impossible! If you really want to take your friendship to the next level, you must show your feelings. You could start by just telling him or her how you feel. But that’s not so easy at it seems. So, how do you change your friend's view of your relationship without coming out and saying how you feel? 

Step 1: Put some space between you.
If you have feelings for this person, you want to be with them all the time. But it can help if you put some space between you and your friend. Your friend is used to have you around them and they need your friendly support. It's just how they see you. To change that dynamic, you need some distance. This will make your friend miss you.

Step 2: Change the way you communicate.
After finishing step 1 you've made your friend start missing you. The best thing to do is call him or her up and ask them out, not necessarily on a date, if it feels better you can just hang out with each other. While you’re on your ‘date’ it’s time to show your friend another, more romantic side of you, treat him or her more like a date than a good friend. Talk about different things than you are used to.

Step 3: Treat your friend like a potential romantic partner.
Now it's time for the last step!
Flirt with your friend. Ask him or her out on real dates. Touch him or her gently on unexpected moments, make eye contact, laugh when they make a joke and give the person your complete attention. Maybe it don’t work out because the feeling is not comming from both sides. If this happens don’t be sad just think about all the other nice people you can start a relationship with!

Love, Annika


  1. Does this work for boys and girls? If so, how do you become friends with a girl?
    thank you annika :)

  2. I think it will depends from person to person, but no one will mind if they get extra attention and compliments! I hope it works for you. Love, Annika
